HTTP 1.x vs HTTP 2.x vs HTTP 3 vs gRPC: A Comparison

HTTP, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is the foundation of the modern web. Over the years, it has evolved to address the increasing demands of web applications. Letโ€™s compare the key differences between HTTP 1.x, HTTP 2.x, HTTP 3, and gRPC.

HTTP 1.x

HTTP 2.x



Key Differences Summarized

FeatureHTTP 1.xHTTP 2.xHTTP 3 (QUIC)gRPC
Multiple RequestsLimitedYesYesYes
Header CompressionNoYesYesYes
Server PushNoYesYesYes
RPC FrameworkNoNoNoYes
Binary ProtocolNoNoNoYes

When to Use Which?


In conclusion, HTTP 2.x and HTTP 3 represent significant advancements over HTTP 1.x, and gRPC offers a powerful RPC framework for building modern distributed systems. The choice of which to use depends on the specific requirements of your application.

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