Top 35 Linux Tips and Tricks
In this article, we will explore 35 useful linux tips and tricks. These tips and tricks will cover various aspects of the Linux command line and will include code examples to demonstrate their usage. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Linux user, this article will provide you with valuable insights and techniques to improve your command line skills.
Let’s dive into each topic and explore the tips and tricks in detail.
Navigating the File System
Changing directories – Use the cd
command to change directories. For
example, cd /path/to/directory
will change to the specified directory.
Navigating up the directory tree – The ..
notation represents the parent
directory, so cd ..
will change to the parent directory.
Listing files and directories – The ls
command displays the files and
directories in the current directory. Adding options like -l
for long format
or -
a for showing hidden files can provide more detailed information.
Listing directory content with file permissions – Use ls -l
to show file
permissions, ownership, file size, and modification dates.
Displaying the current directory – The pwd
command displays the current
directory’s absolute path.
Working with Files and Directories
Creating directories – Use the mkdir
command to create directories. For
example, mkdir new_directory
will create a new directory with the name
Creating empty files – The touch
command creates empty files. For example,
touch file.txt
will create a new empty file named “file.txt”.
Copying files and directories Use the – cp
command to copy files and
directories. For example, cp source_file destination_file
will copy the source
file to the destination file.
Moving and renaming files and directories – The mv
command is used to move
or rename files and directories. For example, mv old_file new_file
will rename
“old_file” to “new_file”.
Removing files and directories – Use the rm
command to remove files and
directories. For example, rm file.txt
will delete the file “file.txt”.
Manipulating Files and Text
Viewing file content – The cat
command displays the content of a file. For
example, cat file.txt
will display the contents of “file.txt”.
Displaying the beginning of a file – Use the head
command to display the
beginning lines of a file. For example, head -n 10 file.txt
will display the
first 10 lines of “file.txt”.
Displaying the end of a file – The tail
command shows the last lines of a
file. For example, tail -n 5 file.txt
will display the last 5 lines of
Searching for text in files – Use the grep
command to search for specific
text within files. For example, grep "pattern" file.txt
will search for the
specified pattern in “file.txt”.
Finding files and directories – The find
command helps locate files and
directories based on various criteria. For example,
find /path/to/search -name "pattern"
will find files/folders matching the
specified pattern.
Sorting file content – Use the sort
command to sort the content of a file.
For example, sort file.txt
will display the sorted content of “file.txt”.
Replacing text in files – The sed
command is used to replace text in
files. For example, sed 's/original/replacement/' file.txt
will replace
“original” with “replacement” in “file.txt”.
Managing Processes
View running processes – The ps
command displays information about running
processes. For exampleshows all running,ps
processes aux.
Killing a process – Use the kill
command to terminate a process. For
example, kill PID
will kill the process with the specified PID.
Background and foreground processes – Adding &
at the end of a command
will run it in the background, freeing up the console for other operations. fg
brings a background process back to the foreground.
Interrupting a process – Pressing Ctrl+C
sends an interrupt signal to the
currently running process, terminating it.
Launching processes in the background – Use nohup
before a command to
allow it to continue running even after you log out.
Customizing the Bash Shell
Customize the shell prompt – Modify the PS1
variable to change the
appearance of the command prompt.
Creating aliases – Set up aliases using the alias
command to create
shortcuts for longer commands. For example, alias ll='ls -l'
will allow using
instead of ls -l
Executing previously run commands – Press the Up
arrow key to cycle
through previous commands or use Ctrl+R
to search command history.
Using wildcards in commands – Wildcards like*
and ?
can be used to
represent multiple or single characters in command arguments.
Creating command line shortcuts – Modify the ~/.bashrc
file to define
functions or shortcuts available the line command from. For example,
myfunction() { echo "Hello, World!"; }
Bash completion – Pressing Tab
key automatically completes commands or
filenames, making it easier to navigate the file system.
Advanced Tips and Tricks
Running commands with sudo – Prefix commands with sudo
to run them as a
superuser. For example, sudo apt-get update
updates the system packages.
Using output redirection – The >
symbol can redirect command output to a
file. For example, command > output.txt
stores the output of command
Command substitution – Enclosing a command within $(...)
executes the
command and substitutes its output into the command line. For example,
echo $(ls)
will display the output of the ls
. Piping32 commands together – The |
symbol connects the output of one
command to the input of another. For example, ls | grep "pattern"
searches for
the specified pattern within the output of ls
Monitoring system resources – Use the top
command to monitor system
resources like CPU usage, memory usage, and running processes.
Checking disk usage – The df
command displays information about disk
usage. Adding the -h
option provides human-readable file sizes.
Getting system information – The uname
command retrieves information about
the system’s kernel version and other system details.
These 35 Linux terminal tips and tricks cover a wide range of useful techniques for navigating the command line, manipulating files, managing processes, customizing the shell, and more. By familiarizing yourself with these tips and practicing them, you’ll become a more proficient Linux user, saving time and improving your overall efficiency.
Remember, becoming proficient in the Linux terminal takes practice and patience. Don’t be afraid to experiment and explore more tips and tricks as you continue your Linux journey.
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